38 articles
Cat teeth : how to take care of them ?
Published : 10/04/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksDid you know that cats also lose their baby teeths, or that like us they can suffer from plaque or tooth decay ? We told you all about the teeth of felines and how to take care of them. Have you ever taken the time to watch Kitty’s teeth? For an adult cat, you should count 30. The teeth of your cat are indispensable to him. Hence the importance of taking care of them. We tell you how.
Cat food : Do it yourself ?
Published : 09/27/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksThe concept of preparing good dishes for your cat appeals to you ? Be wary : the nutrition of felines requires very particular rules. The home-made is becoming more and more trendy, including for cat food. For as with humans, the ingredients contained in industrial food for felines are now being questioned. To be sure that your pet eats only good things, you might be tempted to prepare yourself Kitty’s meals.
Which cat breed is right for you ?
Published : 09/13/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksDo you plan on adopting a cat ? If you opt for a purebred cat, with a pedigree, you will have an idea of his future personality. Indeed, cats of breeds have been rigorously selected over generations to present certain physical characteristics, but also have traits of personality that emerge from one race to another. This is of course not an exact science : each cat has a unique personality.
Cat pee : what to do ?
Published : 09/06/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksKitty may be the most wonderful of cats, maybe sometimes you want to abandon him (or worse ...) when you wake up and step in a puddle of pee that he will have left on the tiles in middle of the night . And it's even worse when you discover that he has chosen to relieve himself on your bed or on your sofa ... The question then arises : how to make him find the path of the litter ?
Cats and young children : the secrets of successfully living together
Published : 08/16/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksGrowing up with a cat is a beneficial experience for young children. But they must learn to behave well with the animal of the house. You may be wondering about the future living arrangements between Kitty and your small one(s). Be reassured right away: cats are animals that get along very well with young - and even very young - children ! Better still : having a cat is beneficial for their health and development.
Cat Fights : how to Protect Your Cat ?
Published : 08/09/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksEven if they are rarely serious, fights between cats are as unpleasant for felines as for their masters. Cats are of a fairly peaceful nature, but they sometimes get their claws out ! Cat fights do not usually lead to serious injuries, but can lead to infections or disease transmission. It is therefore best to prevent these fights from happening.
How to choose the perfect cat carrier ?
Published : 07/26/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksYou need a bag or a crate to take your cat for a trip ? We help you choose the right model. For holidays, leisure or a trip you have to leave and want to take kitty in your suitcases ? The item you need is a transport bag or crate suitable for your travel project and your cat. Follow our tips to choose the right model !
Cat care while on vacation : what solutions?
Published : 07/19/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksYou are going on vacation and you do not know how to have your cat being taken care of while away ? Here are all of the different solutions available to you. Summer is here and you are probably waiting for this long awaited moment: the holidays ! Maybe you planned to take your cat on a trip ? If it is not, then you will have to find someone to take care of him. This is one brain-teaser that any cat master faces.
When cats get bitten by insect : how to react ?
Published : 07/12/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksIn summer, bites of wasps, bees or hornets can be a danger to cats. Find out how to take care of your pet in case this happens to him. Cats being inveterate hunters, they can often imprudently attack all these little animals and get stung. The wound is usually benign, but it can be painful and sometimes cause an allergic reaction. Here are the tips to know in case your cat has been stung by an insect.
Adopting an abandoned cat : our tips
Published : 07/05/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksYou spotted a cat or kitten that seems abandoned ? Here's what to know if you plan to take care of it and adopt it. Be aware that during this specific time of the year, you may come across some cats which may seem to be abandoned, whether you are on holidays or at your work place. If this happens to you, here are some tips on how you can react.
Dry or Canned food: what is the best way to feed your cat ?
Published : 06/21/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksThere is a debate among cats masters : should they choose dry or wet food for their animals ? This article will help you understand this more clearly. Maybe you did not know it, but there is a war between cats masters ... The challenge : to establish, kibbles or canned food, what is the best option to feed our feline friends. Each camp has its own arguments and stands on its own.
Cat proofing : create a safe house for your cat
Published : 06/14/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksThe interior of your home or your garden has potential dangers for your cat. Learn how to protect him. Domestic accidents do not spare cats. By living with us, our feline friends are exposed to many dangers: poisoning, burning, drowning ... A few simple reflexes are enough to cat-proof your house. We'll let you discover them.
Taking the plane with your cat : our advices
Published : 06/07/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksFor a faraway vacation, or a move, you need to fly with your cat ? Here is all the information to know before your trip. air travel with its strict constraints and strict safety rules makes traveling with his pet quite complex... but not impossible ! Here are the main things to know.
Which jobs can you find to work with cats ?
Published : 05/17/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksou love cats and want to make this passion your profession ? Here are examples of professions that can be exercised in connection with our feline friends. you would like to make your passion for our feline friends your job ? Here's a great idea ! All the more so as the opportunities available to you are numerous, according to your tastes, talents and abilities.
Having a cat when you are allergic : our tips
Published : 04/19/2017 | Categories : Tips and tricksDifficult to resolve to the idea of not having a cat when we adore these animals even when we are allergic. Find the information that will help you make the right decision. Runny nose, tearing eyes, sneezing or itching: If these symptoms occur every time you are in the presence of a cat (or an environment where one of them lives) you have known for a long time that you are allergic to cats.
Cat hair : how to overcome it ?
Published : 03/29/2017 | Categories : Cat Health , Tips and tricksHelp : all your house is invaded by cat hair ! Here are our tips for solving this problem. Spring marks the return of invaders: the hairs of Kitty ! Soon the cat hair will be everywhere in your home: inlaid in the carpet and on the fabric of the sofa, on your favourite black jacket and in your food (ewww)! Here are some tips to deal with this situation.