The days are becoming longer, the temperatures gradually hotter ... spring is finally back! But this season also marks the return of invaders : the hairs of Kitty ! Unless you own a sphinx cat (with a very short coat), soon the cat hair will be everywhere in your home: inlaid in the carpet and on the fabric of the sofa, on your favourite black jacket and in your food (ewww)! Here are some tips to deal with this situation.
Cat hair : the causes of the problem
The hairs are not eternal. Like humans, Kitty loses them continuously and regularly. But our feline friends also have a seasonal "moult". This phenomenon is particularly marked for cats living partly outside. They change their hair "coat" twice a year (their coat is thicker in winter) and lose a significant amount of hair in spring and autumn.If your cat loses abnormal amounts of hair outside these periods, you may need to worry. Hair loss can be caused by nutritional deficiencies or hormonal disorders (especially for thyroid problems). This can also be a sign of stress or boredom: cats can then lick excessively causing hair loss. Holes located in the coat may finally be signs of parasites or skin disease. If in doubt, take Kitty to take a ride to his favourite veterinarian ...

Preventive methods
In your war against cat hair, adopt a preventive strategy first. The most effective is to brush regularly Kitty : here are so many hairs are caught and will not find themselves flying in the house (or in the kitty's stomach) ! A short-haired cat must therefore be brushed at least once a week, and even more often during periods of seasonal moulting. For long-haired cats, daily brushing is recommended.To improve the strength of your cat's coat, you can also give him this well known natural remedy : brewer’s yeast. Favour also a diet rich in Omega 3 and 6. Finally, there are also tips to "hide" the presence of cat hair. Better to opt for dark furniture when you have a black cat and vice versa. As for the clothes, you can spray a little lacquer on them to reduce their static electricity (this will prevent cat hair from being "magnetised" by the fabric).

Hunting for cat hair
To get rid of kitty hairs in your home, you will still have to go through other weapons. Your best ally here is the vacuum cleaner. Some brands also offer models (with brush and special filters) dedicated to hunting animal hair. On fabrics and clothing, you can use a sticky brush or an electrostatic brush. Note that the action of the latter can be replaced by the rubbing of a balloon or of an old pair of tights slipped on the hand.For stubborn hairs, especially on cushions or carpets, you can also use a silicone bristle brush. For a more economical version, use latex gloves (dishcloth gloves) or a window squeegee. Finally, if you are tired of finding cat hair on your clothes after the washing machine, know that adding a few gripping balls in the drum with your clothes will decrease this phenomenon.