Dry or Canned food: what is the best way to feed your cat ?

- Categories : Tips and tricks
Once it is not customary, we decided to confront a highly controversial subject. Maybe you did not know it, but there is a war between cats masters ... The challenge : to establish, kibbles or canned food, what is the best option to feed our feline friends. Each camp has its own arguments and stands on its own. And kitty ? He remains on neutral ground and seems to appreciate both of these foods. If you hesitate on the strategy to choose, here is some information that will help you to see more clearly.

Dry food may be more practical but it makes Kitty thirsty

Kibbles has two main good points: they are cheap (less than canned food) and very practical. Since they are dry, they are easy to store and can be left available all day long to kitty without risk of oxidation. However, because they contain very little water (around 10%), kibbles can lead to dehydration risks for your feline when they are used in a single diet (you have to be careful in this case to leave him a source of water available).

Also note that, according to a widespread idea, dry food seem to promote the oral hygiene of cats. More suitable for chewing, it would indeed prevent the formation of tartar and plaque. This argument, however, is only partly true. Look at kitty when eating his kibbles : he’s far from frankly crunching and would tend to swallow them after having vaguely chewed ... To avoid teething problems for your cat, especially if he is aged, we advise you to brush his teeth regularly.

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Wet food : a fresh and humid source of food for Kitty

Wet food, whether in trays, cans or pouches, has the major advantage of containing a large amount of water (70-80%). With this food, your feline can therefore hydrate while eating which helps reduce the risk of kidney or urinary problems. This diet can be an asset in case of high heat and for cats with risks of dehydration (especially kittens, elderly cats and lactating females).

The texture of your cat’s wet food, but also its generally stronger smell, also make it more appetising for felines : so advise this if you have a cat that is difficult with food. Finally, from a nutritional point of view, the meal would have less carbohydrate than kibbles (at least for low-quality kibble brands, which may contain a lot of corn or soya) and would retain more vitamins.

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Aim for the best quality to feed your cat

So dry or wet food, which wins the battle ? Actually none, because each of these foods has advantages and disadvantages. The best feeding strategy will be the one which suits your cat (according to his tastes, his food needs ...) and yourself (according to your budget, the organisation of your schedule ...). Moreover you have the right, and this is what most cat masters do, to mix both types of food.

Above all, the important thing is to opt for quality food, which meet the nutritional needs of your feline. In this respect, the problem is the same for dry or wet food : these industrial foods can be elaborated with ingredients more or less interesting from a nutritional point of view. Unfortunately, the only critera of price is not enough and only a careful examination of the labels will allow you to make the right choice.

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