Resume your good habits after the Christmas holidays

- Categories : Tips and tricks
New year is already here and, like each new year, it’s often a time we make new resolutions after over-indulging during the Christmas holidays. But what about puss? While your cat may not have sipped on champagne over the past fortnight, their daily routine has no doubt been somewhat disrupted. Perhaps you travelled with puss to your relatives or they came to stay with you. Either way, your cat is sure to have met lots of different people and been subject to quite a bit of animation. Now that things have calmed down, it’s time for you and your cat to resume your good habits. Read on to find out how!

(Re-)adopt a healthy diet

Between cakes and rich dishes in sauce, the Christmas menu is often high in calories. While your cat should have been able to avoid over-indulging, they may have gained a bit of weight over the past few weeks. Perhaps you feel you both need to shed a few pounds? The new year can also be the perfect time to switch to a more balanced diet for your cat, and to focus more on what you feed them. But beware, cats’ nutritional needs and their eating habits are very specific and are different from our own. Make sure you do your research before making any changes.
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Take more exercise

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, regular physical exercise is just as important as a balanced diet. Rest assured, you don’t need to sign your cat up to a gym. However, you can make sure they get enough daily exercise by designing your apartment so that puss can run, hide and play when you’re not at home. If your cat is curious and has a sense of adventure, why not take them on a trek or let them try a cat agility course.
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Make sure you get enough sleep

Now that the holidays are over, you need to get back into the habit of going to bed early. Sleeping isn’t generally a problem for cats – on average, they sleep 16 hours a day! – but what should you do if your cat won’t sleep through the night and thus prevents you from catching up on your sleep? Don’t panic, there are a number of ways to solve this problem. Your cat will be back on your rhythm in no time.
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Reduce your stress levels

From meal planning to managing family politics, the Christmas holidays are not always relaxing. Your cat can also find it a stressful period, from the coming and going of guests to the fireworks display on New Year’s Eve. Once things have returned to normal, keep an eye on your cat for any signs of anxiety. Just like humans, stress can cause illness in cats in the long term.
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Respect the planet

The Christmas period is generally characterised by overconsumption. Now is the time to reverse this trend by adopting some habits that are more respectful of the planet. As a cat owner, there are several eco-friendly measures you can take, such as using a biodegradable litter and buying organic cat food, which will both help to reduce your cats carbon footprint.

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