There is an application for "cats", could we say to take up the slogan of the famous brand with the apple. Still not satisfied to have seized the web and our Instagram accounts, our feline friends have also invaded our mobile phones! Discover the selection of our favourite applications of the moment.
Neko atsume : collect them all !
his little Japanese game has known a worldwide success. It is based on a simple principle: to attract the most cats possible in its garden by means of toys, furniture or treats. Around fifty cats are to collect, some of them rarer will only appear with certain objects. It's very cute, and very addictive !
Kochoneko : practice purr-theraphy
The "Kawaïï" and cats have always been a very good mix and this very very cute app makes the perfect example. Although it is all in Japanese it’s easy to use: you have to rub the belly of the small cat on the screen to see it purring with pleasure. A totally useless application and therefore absolutely necessary!Application Kochoneko availble on l’Appstore and Google Play.

Sushi Cat : you must fatten up to be beautiful
Sushi Cat has only one objective: to find his beloved. But unfortunately it is not big enough ... In this game inspired by the Japanese pachinko, you will have to wisely drop your blue feline so that it bounces on the obstacles to eat as much sushi and makis as possible. Fun and appetising…Application Sushi Cat available in english on l’Appstore and Google Play.

Weather Whiskers : Lolcats’ weather
The Lolcats are coming on our smartphones. These images of funny cats, with their very special humorous language, have been adapted in this mobile weather application. Thanks to it, it does not matter if it rains or not, the weather will make you more joyful !
Cat clicker training : teach some tricks to your cat
If you read our article “Can you train a cat ?", you know that the clicker training method is very effective for training cats. Martine Carlsen, who develops applications for cats and their owners, has created a tool that will be very useful for you to experiment with your cat.Application Cat clicker training available on Appstore.

Games for cats : literally games for cats to play with
Why would cats not be able to have their mobile applications ? The brand Friskies has developed two apps especially dedicated to cats: the game Cat Fishing (where the objective is to allow cats to catch fish) and the game JitterBug (same principle but with insects). We bet your cat will not be the only one to have fun …