Theory 1: Too early withdrawal
A kitten is totally weaned when it reaches the age of 8 to 10 weeks. If the kitten is weaned before this age, it could cause some childhood behavioral disorders, such as kneading and they also tend to suck off pieces of tissue such as clothing, cushions, blankets, etc.
Theory 2 : The territory marking
Pheromones are substances that your cat secretes. As you know, the cat is a territorial animal. It has glands that are located between its foot pads. When it kneads an object or a part of your body, it releases its pheromones in order to mark his territory!

Theory 3: A feeling of well-being or stress
Marking, purring and kneading are among the behaviors necessary for the cat to try to reassure them during a moment of stress. Your cat is a stress-sensitive animal. He may also have this kind of behaviour to show his sense of well-being, comfort and ease. If for example he mixes you this must be taken as a compliment, he shows that he trusts you.

Should I dissuade my cat from further kneading?
There is no need to deter a cat from this "craze". Indeed, if your cat kneads without hurting you and it does not cause any particular inconvenience, let him do it.
On the other hand, if the kneading is carried out by taking out the claws and it is too aggressive. That is to say that it hurts you or causes damage to your furniture, you can try to discourage it by saying systematically and energetically "No" as soon as it starts. He will quickly understand that this action is not wanted. If his behavior persists, we advise you to consult a veterinarian. Indeed, it may be that your cat is suffering from a behavioral pathology (anxiety) requiring therapeutic monitoring.