Adopting a second cat at home: Essential tips

- Categories : Cat life , Tips and tricks
Adopting a new cat is very exciting. Though, you need to prepare by getting all the right things in order. As part of preparations, you need to clean the pet area, stock on the supplies and get all the reliable toys. The fact is that there are many cats out there that are abandoned or even abused. These lovely animals are looking for someone to give them a reliable home for a chance to love again.

If you are one of those people that want to adopt a cat, we are here to help you do that flawlessly. You just have to make sure that you are prepared to give your second pet the best welcome possible. This will start with getting all the essentials in advance, getting information on how to introduce her to the strangers and other pets in the family and eventually giving the cat a conducive place to live.

Adopting a second cat tips

Adopting a second cat can be a complex affair but the rewards are breath taking. It is a great way of giving the cat a second chance. In most cases, the cats have come through abuse and torture and they will definitely not look cute or healthy. Though, you should be prepared to help the cat regain her health and deal with stress.

Get a cat that meshes with your personality

Cats just like humans have their unique personality which is the reason why you should choose a cat with a personality that meshes with yours. In most cases, people go for cats with long hair and round heads because they are easygoing. The adoption counselors will help you make a decision here.

The cost of adopting a second cat

Depending on where you are adopting the cat from, you may be required to pay an adoption fee. The adoption fee varies from one organization to the other. You are also very likely to spend on vet costs for checkups and treatments. Though, if you are adopting an older cat, the organization may already have paid for the vet costs.

The other costs that you are likely to face are the cost of neutering and vaccinations. This is especially the case when you are adopting younger cats or kittens. You will also need several cat essentials which can be expensive. The cat may also have been exposed to parasites and infections that can affect the cat’s lifespan. Now it’s up to you to schedule frequent visits to the veterinary for checkups and treatment.

Welcoming the cat Home

This is the most exciting moment that you need to make memorable. You have a new member of the family and so you should buy her all the essentials, make her sleeping place comfortable and be ready to introduce the new member of your family in style.
Before welcoming the cat home, prepare a safe room. This will provide the cat wih a quiet and safe place that she needs at the moment. She will also have a good place to stay as she familiarizes with the scents and the sounds of the new home.

The second thing is to ensure the kitty has a place to hide. This is especially because the new cat is nervous and would spend most of the time in hiding. You can set some sheets or boxes draped over the chairs for her.

Meeting the family

Everyone in the family including other pets will be excited about the arrival of a new member. Invite the children to visit the new kitty in the room. Though, you should make sure they are quiet and seated to avoid frightening the new cat.

Invite other pets to come and have some time with the new adopted cat. If the cat is friendly, she will gently start socializing with other cats and dogs. The children can play with a cat toy until she familiarizes with the new environment.

Reassuring jealous cats

Just like children, cats in the house maybe very jealous of the new arrival especially if it’s a he cat. The cat maybe jealous of losing the territory or being replaced. To reassure the cat, you should show him extra love, attention and help him deal with stress by playing and buying the cat new toys.

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